
MixedRoots Blogging while mixed. Commentary on being biracial, challenging perceptions of race & religion in life and politics. Connecting all Cultures. Unity and Peace. Dedicated to celebrating all cultures, including mixed-heritages, inter-racial & inter-religious families and unions while educating others about the unique mixed-race and multicultural experience. Bridging the gaps between racial, ethnic, cultural & religious differences.

Thursday, June 19, 2008



Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States.    Today is the 143rd year which commemorates African American freedom and ephasizes education and achievement.  

Nowhere in the annals of history has a people experienced such a long and traumatic ordeal as Africans during the Atlantic slave trade. Over the nearly four centuries of the slave - which continued until the end of the Civil War - millions of African men, women, and children were savagely torn from their homeland, herded onto ships, and dispersed all over the so-called New World. Although there is no way to compute exactly how many people perished, it has been estimated that between thirty and sixty million Africans were subjected to this horrendous triangular trade system and that only one third-if that-of those people survived...'
excerpt from the introduction by Dr. John Henrick Clarke from THE MIDDLE PASSAGE, Tom Feelings

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day...

to My Dad, My Hubby and all the Father's 

My Dad with my daughter. My -ever helpful- little girl, why is her grand'daddy letting her near  a leaf blower?!  It's certainly not what I think she should be doing at age three! 
Sigh ...     ;)
Grandparents, gotta love 'em!

My daughter with her daddy (my hubby)
A stroll on a beach in VA.

Thursday, June 12, 2008



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Monday, June 09, 2008

The Historical "Fist Bump"

The Historical "Fist Bump":
Obama gives Obama Dap and the world tries to figure it out!

On Tuesday when Barack became the presumptive nominee, clinching the Democratic Nomination, Michelle Obama, signaled -give me a fist bump baby- and Barack obliged her request happily. She congratulated her hubby with a cultural shake. It was a cute- the cutest dap exchange I've ever been witness to- but didn't think it would get so much attention. 

My early memories of a version of the fist bump is of the pound more than 15 years ago. I don't know when the first time I saw it done, I remember giving and receiving pounds in college.  But I distinctly remember someone- a sports agent- telling me that Kareem Abdul Jabbar is in large part responsible for the spread of the pound.  I don't recall the explanation, of why he started the using the pound, but he used it while he was a player with the Lakers.   If he wasn't the first, he was among the first to use it.  Then naturally, it became very popular with guys on the courts, pro and in the hood.  Then it spread from there.    I guess if you wanted to shake hand with Kareem you had to give him a pound.
Funny, that's how Howie Mandel (Deal or No Deal) insists on his greeting... he's a self professed germaphob.

Personally, I like the pound and fist bump, because it assists in limiting the spread of germs.  So there's a little know fact about me, I'm a germ nut. Well I guess it would be more accurate to say I'm an avoid-a-germ nut.  I think this was the reason the guy said Kareem used it- to avoid germs.  So check out the most famous fist bump yet!
I'm curious to know what will become of the booty tap Barack gave Michelle immediately following the fist bump.  

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Sunday, June 08, 2008

Politicians and Leaders

Politicians & Leaders

Something became clear to me this past week, on Tuesday in fact.   Sen. Hilary Clinton's  speech Tuesday night-the night when Sen. Barack Obama became the presumptive Democratic nominee-was telling.

The choices we make tell the world something about us.  What I learned that evening is that Hilary is a Politician.   Simply put.    There are good ones,
 mediocore and bad ones.  I happen to think Hilary is a good one.   

But I like a leader.   

Barack Obama, is in my opinion a leader. 
 There are leaders in every field, in all careers.  It's not something of which can be contrived- it's a natural gift.   Some use the gift properly, for good and wisely, while others use the gift with ill intent.  I believe Barack Obama, has demonstrated his desire to be a good and respected public servant, one who serves the people.  I believe he could become the people's President

I've always enjoyed watching him on the Sunday news programing.  I've appreciated much of what he has to say and some of his positions.   I don't yet know if he's a leader or a politician.  
But I believe he's competing against a leader for certain.

© 2008 T. Fatimah Williams -MixedRoots

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"What's a Bubbie"

"What's a Bubbie?"

My daughter is three-years of age.  Both of sets of her grandparents are living.  She has a Nonie and Grand'Daddy; a Nana and a Papa.   There is also and a great-grandmother, and a great-grandfather  still living as well.  Great-Grandma E just passed this past Dec. 24 and Great- Grandpa B passed earlier last year.    All the great-grands are my husband's grandparents, none of my grandparents are living and they all passed on when I was young-er.  
But the focus today is on her Bubbie....

Today, my daughter and I spend the afternoon visiting my parents.  We were gathered at the kitchen table, just the ladies- my mother, myself and my daughter, when suddenly "Bubbie" came to mind.  My mother and I started reminiscing about Bubbie.  I recounted her living just long enough to be present at my wedding.  My mother, wishfully spoke aloud: " I wish Bubbie could be here to see our girl." (referring to my daughter).   My daughter as she always does, turned her head back and forth while following the conversation and during a conversational pause, she asked, "what's a Bubbie Mumma?"   I thought it was the cutest question.  I of course went on to explain who Bubbie was and explained that she didn't live nearby for us to see her, but how we wished that they could have met.  I told her that she would have really had a lot of fun during visits with Bubbie.  "Bubbie would have loved you so much" I explained.  

Bubbie Jean, was a woman who our family came to know many years ago.  I had no grandparents living, so she took on the grandmother role for me.  She was always cared about what was going on in my life, concerned about me, how I was feeling and coping with a recently ended relationship.  She was so overjoyed for me when became involved with "a new guy" and when I became engaged to that "new guy" my husband.  Her presence at the wedding is one of the most memorable memories of my wedding for our family.  I recall her saying "I wouldn't miss it for the world"

Bubbie Jean, was involved in the infancy stages of what is now well-known as the Cheese Cake Factory.  She and her cousin baked cheese cakes from a kitchen in metro-Detroit.  She didn't continue on in the business because her cousin and her cousin's husband moved to California and the empire grew from there.  I can't help but to think of (my) Bubbie every single time I hear the word(s) cheese cake or Cheese Cake Factory.   I wish David would name a sandwich after his Auntie Jean.   That would be nice.  

Having a Bubbie is another instance of my mixed experience and I love it!
Bubbie, we miss you!

© 2008 T. Fatimah Williams -MixedRoots

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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Barack Obama Defeats the former first lady

Candidate for Change now leads Democratic party: 
Barack Obama Clinches the Nomination
After a monday visit to Troy High, in Troy, Michigan -a city I once lived in and in a school where I once spoke to a group of students in-, Today, Obama became the- presumptive- first Mixed-Race, Man of Color, African-American, Black, candidate to lead the democratic party in the campaign for the Presidency of the United States of America!   I think Dr. Martin Luther King would be so proud, because for many our nation has arrived or is at least realizing another bit of the dream I HAVE A DREAM speech (1963). 

Barack Obama wasn't taken seriously during the first round of debates.  He wasn't suppose to get far.  He wasn't suppose to defeat Hilary or the Clinton's for that matter.   But after 54 primaries, Barack Obama defeated the former first lady, the Rev. Wright controversy, the racial disparity, the fear mongering, the verbal attacks by Bill Clinton, the desperate jump Hilary made when she reference McCain brings his experience to this campaign and Obama brings a speech, the Rev. Pfleger controversial mockery of Hilary Clinton, the threats on his life, he pushed through, he gained support and trust. After a long campaign rooted in hope and change, he made history.

He and his wife, Michelle - wearing a regal purple dress- took the stage with smiles and lots of energy, thanked his grandmother in Hawaii, saying "who helped make me the man I am today, tonight is for her"
When Barack Obama said, "Tonight I can stand here and say, that I will be the Democratic Nominee" the 20,000 present in the Minnesota arena erupted into a roar. He quickly, gracefully and respectfully noted that Hilary Clinton is "a leader"  and went on to note her contributions to the democratic party.

As my husband likes to say, the best part of a speech is the backside.   Here is the best remark near the end of his speech... "this was the moment, this is our time!"  
For the record, Ms. Clinton did NOT concede, bow-out, nor withdraw.  Infact, she said "I will be making NO decisions tonight"  Where is this maneuver on the scale of political tactics?   Curious tenacity or delusional?  The movement of her campaign, will be particularly intriguing in the coming days. Nonetheless, I congratulate Sen. Clinton on her 18 million votes.  But I believe in taking this position, she has sealed her fate that she may not realize the "dream ticket" many have eluded to.  

© 2008 T. Fatimah Williams -MixedRoots

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I attempted to blog a bit earlier when I heard the hard news that tonight indeed may be a sweet, historical moment for: All of America,  Mixed Race America, for Black America, for the world.  Sen. Barack Obama should clinch the Democratic nomination for Presidency tonight!  Then, I haulted with pause because, while I feel celebratory, the news is all about Sen. Hilary Clinton who won't give up the fight.  She turned this into a fight.  She works feverishly to do a little more than offer herself as a public servant.  As a woman, I am proud of her, I am.  However, something, somehow rubs me the wrong way because she has revealed something of herself  through the use of particular tactics. There seems to be something behind her face of grace, which is conflicting.   My question is why is she - or shall I say her campaign- positioning her campaign to put pressure Sen. Barack Obama to select her for choice for the Vice Presidential candidate.  Should that be his decision? This tactic may only drive a deeper wedge within the party, especially,  should Sen. Barack Obama decide not to ask her to be on the general election ticket.  

So there I sat, poised to blog in bliss but oddly torn behind the energy that crept into the day.  I chatted with a dear friend of 19 years and he directed me to this... 

I'm curious to know the outcome.  I won't be sad if Sen. Barack Obama didn't take Hilary on the ticket.  I do have huge hope that Hilary will find the grace, I believe she has and back Barack whole-heartedly tonight. She's apparently had plentiful opportunity to apologize for what you just saw and has not.  It's possible that she's quite resentful, because she nor her entire campaign could anticipate that Barack Obama could snatch what the Clintons believed to be theirs.  Afterall, she had the party on her side, she had the money, the legacy, the lead in points and suddenly to paraphrase Barack's  self description: "the skinny guy with the funny name" comes out of nowhere raising fist-fulls of money, engaging millions of citizens and bringing them into the political process using the internet, and delivering speeches that even folks across the party lines are moved by.  Sen. Clinton, simply didn't expect it and I imagine is having a tough time managing this type of inevitable defeat.

Something which is curious to me...the media has in large part, kept this issue of her reference to Bobby Kennedy under the radar. Why? I hope its in an effort not to dignify her comments, yet something in me since I know how journalism works through and through- dignity is not the reason for the hush on this.   Are her comments unforgivable?  As horrible as the comments are, or the implications may be, I believe it's better to find a way to forgive.  Forgiveness breeds better energy and helps to bring us all back to center.   
Peace be on our nation tonight and beyond!    

© 2008 T. Fatimah Williams -MixedRoots

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Thrilled with progress

I've been working on my book: the concept, the outline, the interviews, the research and now the manuscript for more than a year and counting. It's been tedious at times.  I'm a mom; a wife; I run my home and Mixed Roots Movement and I manage our property that my husband and I lease- that, being a landlord is often a job in itself- additionally, I manage my photography.  My schedule is always full, never much time for the lil pleasures I once enjoyed: a manicure, a massage.  But life is good despite the void and the blessings come in different forms.   I've been very fortunate to gain the sincere support of several people on my project.  Today, the person who is writing the foreword for the book, emailed me to say they LOVE the pages they read from the book and they are working to complete the foreword this month.  

It's premature to make any announcements just yet. But I'm happy about the steady progress! Stay-tuned!  

© 2008 T. Fatimah Williams -MixedRoots

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Sunday, June 01, 2008

An idea...

An idea that whispers, nags and just won't go away is the seed to destiny!

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Reel Mixed Experience

The Reel Mixed Experience was today and yah the little festival was fantastic! The event attracted the attention of the media, the screening got rave reviews, the photography exhibit was adored by all who viewed it and the attendance was awesome! The venue's executives were very supportive and impressed by a news article they read about Mixed Roots Movement.  Many people expressed gratitude for the event and the "movement".
My favorite part and my measure of the events success was the discussion at the end. People stayed until the very end, both sharing their experiences and asking questions alike. I feel great that it accomplished just what it was meant to. Loving Day is next!
Visit Mixed Roots Movement to view the photography exhibit

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