
MixedRoots Blogging while mixed. Commentary on being biracial, challenging perceptions of race & religion in life and politics. Connecting all Cultures. Unity and Peace. Dedicated to celebrating all cultures, including mixed-heritages, inter-racial & inter-religious families and unions while educating others about the unique mixed-race and multicultural experience. Bridging the gaps between racial, ethnic, cultural & religious differences.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Barack Obama Defeats the former first lady

Candidate for Change now leads Democratic party: 
Barack Obama Clinches the Nomination
After a monday visit to Troy High, in Troy, Michigan -a city I once lived in and in a school where I once spoke to a group of students in-, Today, Obama became the- presumptive- first Mixed-Race, Man of Color, African-American, Black, candidate to lead the democratic party in the campaign for the Presidency of the United States of America!   I think Dr. Martin Luther King would be so proud, because for many our nation has arrived or is at least realizing another bit of the dream I HAVE A DREAM speech (1963). 

Barack Obama wasn't taken seriously during the first round of debates.  He wasn't suppose to get far.  He wasn't suppose to defeat Hilary or the Clinton's for that matter.   But after 54 primaries, Barack Obama defeated the former first lady, the Rev. Wright controversy, the racial disparity, the fear mongering, the verbal attacks by Bill Clinton, the desperate jump Hilary made when she reference McCain brings his experience to this campaign and Obama brings a speech, the Rev. Pfleger controversial mockery of Hilary Clinton, the threats on his life, he pushed through, he gained support and trust. After a long campaign rooted in hope and change, he made history.

He and his wife, Michelle - wearing a regal purple dress- took the stage with smiles and lots of energy, thanked his grandmother in Hawaii, saying "who helped make me the man I am today, tonight is for her"
When Barack Obama said, "Tonight I can stand here and say, that I will be the Democratic Nominee" the 20,000 present in the Minnesota arena erupted into a roar. He quickly, gracefully and respectfully noted that Hilary Clinton is "a leader"  and went on to note her contributions to the democratic party.

As my husband likes to say, the best part of a speech is the backside.   Here is the best remark near the end of his speech... "this was the moment, this is our time!"  
For the record, Ms. Clinton did NOT concede, bow-out, nor withdraw.  Infact, she said "I will be making NO decisions tonight"  Where is this maneuver on the scale of political tactics?   Curious tenacity or delusional?  The movement of her campaign, will be particularly intriguing in the coming days. Nonetheless, I congratulate Sen. Clinton on her 18 million votes.  But I believe in taking this position, she has sealed her fate that she may not realize the "dream ticket" many have eluded to.  

© 2008 T. Fatimah Williams -MixedRoots

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