
MixedRoots Blogging while mixed. Commentary on being biracial, challenging perceptions of race & religion in life and politics. Connecting all Cultures. Unity and Peace. Dedicated to celebrating all cultures, including mixed-heritages, inter-racial & inter-religious families and unions while educating others about the unique mixed-race and multicultural experience. Bridging the gaps between racial, ethnic, cultural & religious differences.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

ReelMIXED Film Festival ™

Check out one of the great distractions that has kept me from blogging.

A Cultural Exchange
June 12-14, 2009

ReelMIXED was introduced in 2007 in response to the lingering segregation in the Metro-Detroit region. The RMFF was founded to create an annual celebration of ethnic, racial, cultural, and religious diversity through film, arts, culture, and cuisine. RMFF was also founded to be a progressive, socially conscious, and purposeful fun festival that provides opportunities for both established and emerging talent to share and showcase their works. RMFF aims to offer something for the entire family. In addition to hosting film screenings, this festival includes various art forms including artists’ exhibits, literary readings, dance/musical performances, workshops, and a Children’s Zone. Films screened vary in genre and topic and intend to represent a variety of cultures, races, and religions via the subject matter, director, or screenwriter, as well as highlight issues of civil rights, humanity, race, ethnicity, religion, and the mixed-race experience.



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