
MixedRoots Blogging while mixed. Commentary on being biracial, challenging perceptions of race & religion in life and politics. Connecting all Cultures. Unity and Peace. Dedicated to celebrating all cultures, including mixed-heritages, inter-racial & inter-religious families and unions while educating others about the unique mixed-race and multicultural experience. Bridging the gaps between racial, ethnic, cultural & religious differences.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thicke Mixed Experience: "Something Else"

Thicke Mixed Experience: 
"Something Else"  
  Robin Thicke

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love, love, love his music.  I must say I was shocked to find out that all that soulful sound was coming out of the son of Alan Thicke -the dad on hit sitcom Growing  Pains? Yup, that's right.  Then I learned that both Robin's dad and mom were musically inclined.  Another reminder that music, just like other things in life, knows no color, gender or ethnic background, the blessing of gift are sprinkled around the earth to who the creator wills.  And it was willed that Robin have the gift of "soulful" sound.

Absolutely, I think this guy is brilliant. His music is-- in my opinion-- among the greats of the greatest.  You already know what I mean if you've heard his music and you really know what I mean if you've see him on tour. If not, You'll see what I mean when you hear his music- I'll post a lil' treat here.  He has written & produced music for Michael Jackson, Brandy, Christina Aguilera, Usher.  If you were under a rock in 2006-2007 and you missed hearing this jam.  Let me help you out with this video. 

Oh, don't sleep, his new album SOMETHING ELSE drops this month!   
This guy is the real real fareal deal. 

He married his high school sweet heart,  a racially mixed (black) woman -- 
The Stunning Paula Patton, an actress seen in movies with Denzel and Kevin Costner. 

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Selling Bigotry under political pretense

Selling Bigotry under political pretense, calling it satire.

These two guys are just distasteful any way you look at it. And Lou Dobbs endorsed the product!!  I guess that doesn't surprise me. This is a serious product laced with bigotry! 

I really have no words beyond than to say...this is just another sad but true demonstration of the negative hateful energy that is thrust about.  Do people really harbor so much negativity and hate within?   If you read this post today, please do your part to tip the weight of energy towards positive today.  Do a small (or large) act of kindness in an effort to spread some positive energy around the world.  I just can't understand why people are so quick to go negative!!!!!  I guess it takes more integrity and more overall energy to go or stay positive.

Fight the good fight! Stay Positive, it benefits us all!

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Friday, September 12, 2008

American Prayer

American Prayer

This YouTube video was brought to my attention today.  Check it out.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remember and Forget

Remember and Forget

Remembering the tragic day of Sept. 11, 2001.

I was in DC the day it happened. I saw the mangled Pentagon from the highway.  I once worked at NASA TV and wondered how many of the people I had worked with had been affected?  Were their family and friends okay?

It's a memory that one, at times wants to forget.  Some things in life are so tough that it's difficult to remember. But we should remember, right?  Is it okay to forget? Somethings in life, when discussed bring about such sad feelings.  Some things in life, when merely thought about, can bring about negative energy.  Blame. Shame. Hate. Love. Forgive.   Be informed.  Some acts have nothing to do with religion.

When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure.

God Bless......


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Two Living Legends... In Two Days


Barack Obama: Up Close
You might recall my previous post Much Ado About Nothing about my daughter's hopes to meet Barack Obama. Well, late last week, I received correspondence about a Town Hall meeting with Barack Obama to be hosted right in my neighborhood on Monday, Sept. 8, 2008.  My daughter is only three years of age, but she said she wanted to see Barack Obama (she's actually been asking to do so for about a year) and she paid her way by standing on line with me and her six-year-old friend and her mom, for about three hours on Saturday morning to get tickets to the Monday event. Okay, you'd think after having tickets in hand we'd be relaxed and plan to arrive at the event say thirty-minutes before event start time.  NoooO way!  The event was scheduled to start at 6:30pm and we were planning to arrive no later than 3:00!  Keeping on schedule is no small task when navigating the day with small children in tow or in front, depending upon the day. So following a few hiccups and a small (vehicle) snafu we made it before 3:30.  A BIG thanks to my Dad for holding our place in line.  Nonetheless, it was another long day of hurry up and wait... And boy was it worth the wait. My daughter had a dream come true on Monday, she got to see Barack Obama, live and in person.  My love for photography could not have come in more handy than on Monday. I captured some great photos of Barack Obama and of some folks in attendance! You can check out the gallery on the Mixed Roots website!!!  

Another Legend:
While standing on line Saturday morning, to get our Obama Town Hall Meeting tickets, my friend received a phone call. It was an invitation to join Congressman John Conyers for a "Kids for Obama" rally on Sunday.  While I've met Congressman previously, this event was significant for my family, because when my mother was just a teen-aged girl in the sixties she campaigned for John Conyers aboard a van, with a bull-horn in hand shouting
 into the streets... "Conyers for Congress...  Support John Conyers for Congress" Now, all these years later, her grand-daughter supports the Congressman's rally for Barack Obama, and she meets them both in the same weekend to boot!

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Barre in this political dance raises again

The Barre in this political dance raises again

"Lipstick."  That's the difference between a pitbull and a self-professed "hockey mom" says Sarah Palin in her RNC speech.  Okay. I kinda like this momchick.  She might make sipping the Kool-aid seem okay.  But let me be clear, I only bleed red, my politics are Blue- just like my university... GOooooo Bluuuue!

Seriously speaking, I don't get caught up in political labels- I've had enough of labels and separation in my lifetime.  I just happen to feel aligned with Blue more often.  

My reaction to the "Big Night".... She historically changed the face of the Republican party forever! Whoda thunk it.  I didn't like her hits on Barack.  She mocked him and his campaign quite a bit, but I know that's the climate and par for the course and I guess it's even her job in this phase of the campaign. 

I think much of America fell in love with a lady named Sarah tonight.  She presented herself and her family as very normal, everyday folks.  I actually think she is too.  One thing tugs away at me though.  What if that pregnant teen girl had been Chelsea Clinton?  Would the republicans extend this exact same forgiving and loving kindness towards her and her parents and especially to Hilary?  Or would they say, Look Hilary can't even manage motherhood and keep her (only) child out of "trouble", how's she gonna manage the affairs of national government?  The heroism in this could be viewed as a self-righteous double standard- I'm just saying.... 

I was stunned by some of the immediate comments following Palin's speech.  Suddenly delivering a great speech in the face of her turmoil filled week ( clearly a reference to the announcement of her pregnant under-age seventeen-year-old daughter) makes her a LEADER that the Republican party can be proud of.    Skkkkuurrrt!!   Rewind. Come again.  Delivering a great speech makes her a LEADER that the Republican party can be proud of.   I get it. I understand it, because that's just the type of chick I am. I'm understanding and I try to be open. So yeah I can see how they can equate ONE speech to her being a potential good leader.  I had that same feeling on July 27, 2004.   But what's up with the sudden change of [republican] heart?   Haven't many in the party made statements referring to Sen. Barack Obama... a good speaker yes, but a leader that does not make him.  Is he ready to lead? That's been the badge and shield- and the battle cry the entire campaign (of those who oppose him.) Well, the barre is raised again on Barack.

So with that said... in the words of John McCain  "My Friends"....  I seriously think Barack Obama is better suited as a WORLD LEADER.  United Nations maybe?


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