
MixedRoots Blogging while mixed. Commentary on being biracial, challenging perceptions of race & religion in life and politics. Connecting all Cultures. Unity and Peace. Dedicated to celebrating all cultures, including mixed-heritages, inter-racial & inter-religious families and unions while educating others about the unique mixed-race and multicultural experience. Bridging the gaps between racial, ethnic, cultural & religious differences.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Vote However You Like Kids

Vote However You Like Kids

I saw these children on CNN this week.  It's a new take on the popular song by T.I.

Check it out! 


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bravo Gen. Colin Powell!

Bravo Gen. Colin Powell!  

I'm not feeling celebratory because Gen. Powell endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for President of these UNITED states-- although I'm thrilled about it-- I'm actually delighted and thrilled that he spoke out, up and sensibly when he addressed a real issue that this country faces:  A sweeping detest of Muslims.

We really need to move beyond this hatred.  I'm so glad Powell commented on how members of the Republican party have been -wrongfully- permitted to suggest that there is something WRONG with being Muslim in this country.  Enough already!  Muslim and Terrorist are not synonymous.  Muslims by their faith are required to be peaceful, caring citizens of the world.
The actions and beliefs of some do not represent all.

Powell reflected upon a photo he saw in a magazine photo-essay.  Here's what he refered to.

I've been hammering this particular point from the beginning and I'm glad you pointed out that Obama, has crossed lines and has given us a more inclusive reach to what this country and the world should be about and Obama is demonstrating that.... All villages have value!   

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Friday, October 17, 2008

A Friday Music fest

I saw Thicke in Vegas last year with the Beyonce Experience. (B performed insanely nonstop the entire time she was on stage. I was exhausted when B finished. I don't know how she does it. PHewwww. )

I also saw Thicke when he was in Detroit with MJB last month. MJB was stellar as usual. 
The voice, the voice.  

So enjoy... 'Can You Believe'  &  'DreamWorld'  good one for the times we're in, aye?

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obama Bucks? You've gotta be kidding!

Obama Bucks?  You've gotta be kidding!

Thanks to an Inland Republican's women's group (October GOP newsletter), we now know more racism and bigotry exists that we may have imagined.    A phony $10 dollar bill (food stamp), shows Presidential Candidate Barack Obama surrounded by fried chicken, ribs, kool-aid and watermelon.
The organization's president, Diane Fedele, who published this stupidity says, she received it in an email from someone else, whose identity she will not disclose. She goes on to say to some degree that this depiction is in response to Obama's comment made during the summer that he, as an African-American "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."  Fedele says, this is "strictly an attempt to point out the outrageousness of his statement" As for the items surrounding Obama's face on the dollar, Fedele says "I didn't see it the way it's being taken. I never connected. "It was just food to me.  It didn't mean anything else"

Has she heard the expression.....  Liar, liar.  Pants on fire! 
She's showing her true colors indeed.

Okay and if all this isn't enough.  Here's what she said regarding the food stamp depiction.
"Obama talks about all those presidents that got their names on bills.  If elected, what bill would he be on????  Food Stamps, what else!"

Okay this lady is off her rocker! I don't know what's the worst offense in this depiction.  The stereotypical foods, the food stamps or Obama's face on a donkey's body.  It's insane and anyone who thinks it's funny is pitiful.

When will the madness stop?

I dunno.  It seems to be catching steam.  Earlier in the week, the Sacramento Bee posted an image (they say they got from the Sacramento County GOP website) which showed Obama in a turban next to Osama bin Ladin.  The caption: "The difference between Osama and Obama is just a little B. S."  Including recommendations to "water board" Obama, What's this you ask.
Oh just a little TORTURE TECHNIQUE members of the GOP obviously would like to see happen to Barack.

What will happen to the offenders?    If this sort of rhetoric was thrown around about anyone else, it would be a REAL issue.  In this case, sad to see it's dealt with by saying "it's damaging"
To who?  To what, the GOP?!!  

I'm curious to know what will be done to folks who issue threats of torturing Barack Obama if he is the President of the United States.  UNITED states I said.    I think such threats against the President of the U.S. is punishable by law, isn't it?  

to learn GOP member reaction, including African-American members....

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What some people REALLY think about biracial people:

What some people REALLY think about biracial people

Uncertainty About Racial Identity: Who says race isn't an issue?

This is why I do what I do.  People, and yes, even some biracial people I've talked to, like to pretend race and being mixed-race is not an issue in this country "any longer."  I know better. And the NY Times published a piece that confirms biracial people are still not accepted and biracials are still considered an enigma.   

Read this, from the NY Times today, as evidence that the race issue is not going to fix itself.  The year we're in is not going to fix it.  I don't know what will, but I'm working myself ragged trying to make a difference on this race thang!

Inside the NY Times article you'll find these expressions:  
"Don't create other breeds." 
"You should be proud of what you are and not intermarry." 
One man who said "I've always been against the blacks" had to admit now that now that he has three biracial children, he "found out they (biracial people) were human beings, too."

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