MixedRoots Blogging while mixed. Commentary on being biracial, challenging perceptions of race & religion in life and politics. Connecting all Cultures. Unity and Peace. Dedicated to celebrating all cultures, including mixed-heritages, inter-racial & inter-religious families and unions while educating others about the unique mixed-race and multicultural experience.
Bridging the gaps between racial, ethnic, cultural & religious differences.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A Changing Nation...
A Changing Nation...
This is an interesting profile on a family living in Virginia. They are an inter-racial family with a background not too unlike President-elect Barack Obama's.
Half-caste children: The story is similar around the world
Half-Cast Children: The Story is Similar Around the World
I had planned to scan my actual newspaper article of this earlier this year. Well you know what happens with little bits of paper when you have a toddler. So it crossed my mind again today so I thought I'd share this online article from the Guardian in the UK
The mixed children in Australia were taken - STOLEN- from their mother's and dopted into white families. The government apparently thought it was a good idea to raise the children in "white enviornments" essentially stripping them of their (full) culture and the loving arms of their mothers. It's just sad.
Listen to this: in one mixed-race Australian's own words 'We lost our heritage, we lost everything' Link to this audio
Here is another fascinating read on this issue of mixed children or half-castes being in between two worlds and the society trying to sort out what their fortune or misfortune should be.
What's the big deal about where the Obama children will attend school. The girls currently attend a private school. Mr. President- elect- Barack himself attended a private school, both he and (first lady to-be) Michelle went to an elite institution for higher education. So come on people, give it a rest already.
I just hope there's not a paparazzi madness on the girls
first day of school. We don't want the girls experiencing what Amy Carter experienced.
I seriously am experiencing an overwhelming dose of "something" that I've never experienced before. I know I'm happy, elated and joyful- but this 'something' runs deeper, much deeper than these mere words. I may not be able to communicate my complete feelings into a few sentences or paragraphs for a another week, another month, a year or even my lifetime- But I'm happy. I always believed he would be elected. Truly... I'm not surprised by the outcome. I am just overwhelmed somehow by the reality of it and the energy that surrounds it.
Is this the beginning of a revival?
It's all quite intense for me in many ways. I find myself tearful when I think of it. I also smile on the inside as well as the outside. I said to my sister, "It's strange, I feel like people are being nice to me." Not specifically to me- well yes to me, but not because of something I've done. It's more-so the energy between people, folks seem to be more loving towards one another. Its as if some sort of barriers have been torn down. This is a phenomenal time. I'm so proud of this country. And furthermore...If I'm really being open and bearing my deepest thoughts when it comes to my mixed-race (black/white) heritage... I feel like I finally fit in this country.
Ok, so the barriers have been torn down, but if you know me, you know I'm thinking "ok they're torn down, but we've got to work and do our part in the change to sweep those barriers away." Don't let them clutter up our lives and be road blocks in our continued path towards a better nation. The work is not over people, this is just a huge inspired step, we must keep advocating for one another, we must continue to think and be positive, we must continue to be kind to one another. We must honor our blessings.
I'm blown over by the reaction around the world. I'm proud of President-Elect Obama. I loved that he noted "Out of Many We are One" That is a motto that I have loved for more than twenty years. I have shared my affinity for that motto in a previous post. I'm happy, happy, happy. It's amazing that someone who represents an oppressed -- once enslaved-- people is not representing our nation and by many accounts from abroad will now help to improve America's image in the eyes of others around the world.
Sidebar: I'm excited about Michelle Obama being the first-lady. What a woman. The standards that will be set are welcomed! Bring it Mrs. Obama.
As I sat down to mark my ballot I sensed a change was gonna come. I looked at the ballot and decided to save the best for last- my selection of Barack Obama as President of the UNITED States of America. I'm glad I had the presence of mind to captured the moment with my iphone camera. Speaking of capturing moments.... if you haven't seen the photos I personally shot of Barack Obama on the campaign trail, visit MixedRootsMovemement
Please enjoy this wonderful song (originally performed by Sam Cooke) recently remade by Seal
MixedRoots Blogging while mixed. Commentary on being biracial, challenging perceptions of race & religion in life and politics. Connecting all Cultures. Unity and Peace. Dedicated to celebrating all cultures, including mixed-heritages, inter-racial & inter-religious families and unions while educating others about the unique mixed-race and multicultural experience.
Bridging the gaps between racial, ethnic, cultural & religious differences.
Trina (Fatimah) Williams Freeman: Mother, Writer, Founder & Director of Mixed Roots Movement, ReelMIXED Film Festival and advocate of mixed race matters and building awareness